We are excited to offer over 21 programs for all seniors and their Caregivers.
“We don’t stop caring because we’re getting old; we get old because we stop caring.”
All Sosopworld.com programs were designed to help seniors to not only cope, but to greatly enhance their quality of life. We encourage every senior to sign-up and benefit from all of our 21 programs so that every one of their needs can be met.
Some Examples:
• Help and support for all seniors with diabetes
• Travel and Entertainment
• Senior’s Table – Food Bank and Clothing Centers
• Assistance with bill payments: prescriptions, rent, utilities, hygiene product, etc.
• Providing transportation to appointments, shopping, social activities, etc.
• Housekeeping/home maintenance
• Legal and professional help
• Living Accommodations
“Become a Sosopworld.com member today and make a difference in hundreds (if not thousands) of lives tomorrow.”