“A place where no Senior will ever walk alone”
Program 13
“Build communities that are united through food”
Food serves multiple purposes for people both young and old: nutrition, sustenance, community connections and more. As we age, questions of access to quality nutrition and our ability or willingness to make healthy, smart food choices become even more important. How might our ideas help people access the healthy food they need, make good food decisions or create a community that is united through food?
Attention: A complete list of businesses that cater to seniors will be provided in the:
“Click here for Professional Help and support”
Just because Serving Our Seniors Outreach Program (sosopworld.com) is a startup organization does not mean that our TEAM, management, front line staff, partners and advertisers are new to this game. We will respond to the hunger crisis in Canada, USA and (Internationally) with an aggressive style to not only promote “The Seniors Table Program” but all of our, over 21 programs. We will also respond to the hunger crisis in the world by providing food to people in need through a nationwide network of food banks, corporations, and local /provincial/national and international businesses.
The concept of food banking was developed by John van Hengel in Phoenix, AZ in the late 1960s. Van Hengel, a retired businessman, had been volunteering at a soup kitchen trying to find food to serve the hungry. One day, he met a desperate mother who regularly rummaged through grocery store garbage bins to find food for her children. She suggested that there should be a place where, instead of being thrown out, discarded food could be stored for people to pick up—similar to the way “banks” store money for future use. With that, an industry was born.
“The Senior’s Table Program” intends to work with all foodbanks, organizations, groups, and individuals who are serving the needs of hungry people (seniors) around the world.
Our Partners
Our partners will help to provide food to the millions of hungry people each month. Learn more about our partners’ work & how your business could get involved.
“Click here for Professional Help and support”
“A Kitchen on Wheels” (A future program)
Connecting Health and Nutrition: “The Senior’s Table Program” will make nutritional “Foods” more accessible with “A Kitchen on Wheels”
“The Senior’s Table” will use a mobile kitchen to teach adults how to cook new foods and prepare familiar foods more healthfully.
For corporate or foundations who want to partner with “The Senior’s Table Program,” please contact us at sosopworld.com 416-272-1812.
- Full part-time employment
- Volunteers (Consultants)
“The Senior’s Table Program” plans to cultivate a dynamic and diverse work environment, one that plays a critical role in our ambitious work to end hunger in the world. We will recruit and retain insightful employees who have backgrounds and skills from across the professional spectrum, who will join our organization because they want to make a real difference in the lives of hungry (seniors) people in this world.
*Please use the “CONTACT US” form.
Hunger in the world *(We need a template)
The facts about food insecurity.
Food banks are an important method of addressing this need. Each month, over millions of people turn to food banks for help; more than one-third is to feed children and youth.
The people who visit food banks come from all backgrounds. They include families with children, employed people whose low wages do not cover basic living essentials, individuals on social assistance, and people living on a fixed income, including seniors and people with disabilities.
Want to help make a difference?
Health and Hunger
“The Senior’s Table Program” is dedicated to providing nutritious, healthy foods to Seniors in need. Learn more about how we promote education on nutrition in Canada, USA and around the world.
Providing access to affordable, sustainable and healthier food
“Click here for Professional Help and support”
How many hungry Seniors are there in the world and where do most of them live? What effect does it have on their minds and bodies and what can we do to help them? Here is a list of 10 things about hunger that absolutely everyone should know.
Please Share These Hunger Facts
- Approximately 120 million people in the world do not eat enough to be healthy. That means that one in every seven people on Earth goes to bed hungry each night.
- Rising food prices pushed an additional 44 million people into hunger between June 2018 and February 2019 when they soared to their highest level ever. Source: (World Bank Food Price Watch)
- While the number of hungry people has risen, as a percentage of the world population, hunger has actually fallen from 33 per cent of the population in 1969 to just over 15 per cent of the population in 2010.
- Well over half of the world’s hungry people–some 578 million people–live in Asia and the Pacific region. Africa accounts for just over one quarter of the world’s hungry population. Source: (Source: FAO, the State of Food Insecurity in the World, 2016)
- Hunger is number one on the list of the world’s top 10 health risks. It kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. (Source: UNAIDS global report, 2015; WHO World Hunger and Poverty Statistics, 2015).
- A third of all deaths in children under the age of five in developing countries are linked to under nutrition. (Source: UNICEF Report on Child Nutrition, 2006)
- The first 1,000 days of a child’s life, from pregnancy through age two, are the critical window in which to tackle under nutrition. A proper diet in this period can protect them from the mental and physical stunting that can result from malnutrition. (Source: UN Standing Committee on Nutrition, 2009)
- It costs just US $0.25 per day to provide a child with all of the vitamins and nutrients he or she needs to grow up healthy. (Source: WFP, 2011)
- Malnourished mothers often give birth to underweight babies who are 20 per cent more likely to die before the age of five. Up to 17 million children are born underweight every year. (Source: A World Fit for Children, UNICEF, 2007)
- By 2050, climate change and erratic weather patterns will have pushed another 24 million children into hunger. Almost half of these children will live in sub-Saharan Africa. (Source: Climate Change and Hunger: Responding to the Challenge, WFP, 2009)
Senior Hunger
Dependent on fixed incomes, thousands of seniors often have to make difficult choices between paying the rent, keeping the lights on or buying enough food to eat.
Hunger is a Daily Struggle
Research shows that families are not only visiting “Food Banks” to meet temporary, acute food needs – instead, for the majority of people seeking food assistance, “Food Banks” are now a part of a households’ long-term strategies to supplement monthly shortfalls in food. Results suggest that families no longer visit “emergency food” sources for temporary relief, but rely on “Food Banks” as a supplemental food source. Seniors, who so often are limited by fixed or no incomes, are becoming more dependent on “Food Banks.”
Somewhere between “Paycheck and Poverty”
Hunger in the world
Between Paycheck and Poverty: Hunger and the Working Poor
SOSOPWORLD.COM plans to use the “Between Paycheck and Poverty” Program to study, research and report the continually growing crises of working-class hunger in the world.
The program will document the challenges facing many working families that receive charitable food assistance. It is a fact that while more than half of all households have a member that has worked for pay in the past 12 months, these households still experience difficulties in meeting their basic needs. Limited hours, changes in employment status, low incomes, and competing household expenses are some of the common challenges.
A great number of households with employment report an annual household income of $30,000 or less.
Many households live at or below the federal poverty line, which was $20,550 for a family of four in 2015.
Donate *(We need a donation template)
Together We Can Defeat Hunger.
Memorial Gifts *(We need a template)
Honor Someone Special with an e Card from “The Seniors Table Program”
Give a gift that gives back and honor someone special by making a gift to “The Seniors Table Program” in their name.
Send an e-card to tell family and friends about this gift. Once your gift is processed, your e-card will be sent automatically.
Select an E-Card:
Food Drives
Where to donate food
If you are beginning to organize such an event, it’s important that you do so in conjunction with your local food bank. Your “Senior’s Table” member can provide advice on food safety, what types of items to accept or refuse, and what timing makes the most sense for your event. Often, our member food banks have regularly-scheduled food drives throughout the year, and your neighborhood efforts will have the maximum effect if held in conjunction with theirs.
A hastily-organized local food drive can actually put more strain on your local food bank than you imagine. “The Senior’s Table” members maintain the highest standards of food safety, which means not every product is suitable for donation. Your local food bank will need to sort and inspect all donated items to ensure that they are absolutely safe.
The best way to support hunger-relief in your community is by making a financial donation to your local food bank, and encouraging your friends to do the same. Your local “Senior’s Table” member can then utilize the buying power of the “Senior’s Table network to acquire and ship healthy, nutritious food at deeply discounted rates. But if you do want to conduct a food drive, please only do so after reaching out to your local “Senior’s Table” member.
A Food Donation: Please make sure you follow some simple rules when collecting food.
- Collect only non-perishable food items.
- Do not collect any homemade items.
- Please keep personal care items separate from food items (i.e. mouthwash).
- No glass, please! Glass items can chip and break easily in the barrels.
- The “Senior’s Table” network of food banks commonly accepts the following items from food drives:
- Canned foods like soup, fruit or vegetables
- Fresh produce & frozen foods
- Dairy & juice within the expiration date
- Excess food from promotions & seasonal products
- Excess food from trade shows
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How do I donate?
You can make a financial donation online, by using our donation form.
Locate your local food bank
Sosopworld.com plans to offer a list of every Food Bank in Canada, by province.
How can I make a product donation?
Your local food bank can assist you in determining what items they need at the present time. If you wish to donate grocery products directly to your local food bank, visit our product donation page.
Can I donate in someone’s honor/in memory of a loved one?
Yes. More and more people are choosing alternative gift options for birthdays, holidays, memorials and many other occasions. Visit our honor/memorial donation form to make an honor or memorial gift. Fill in the blank space with the names and addresses of who you would like to receive an honor card. Or, if you are making a gift in memory of a loved one, please provide the name and address of who the card should be sent to, who the gift is in memory of, and who made the gift.
How do I send in my company’s matching gift form?
*(need a template)
First, make sure that our organization meets your company’s requirements for matching (some companies can only provide a match for specific types of institutions). Once you have verified that your company will match a gift to our organization, please send their form to:
Once we confirm that we have received your gift, we will complete the appropriate matching gift paperwork and send it to your company for processing.
Will I get a receipt for my donation?
Sorry! SOSOPWORLD.COM is a for-profit organization with the heart of a non-profit.
How can I reduce the amount or frequency of the mail I receive from “The Senior’s Table Program?”
If you wish to reduce the amount of mail you receive from “The Senior’s Table Program,” please call us at 416-500-8207 and ask to speak with one of the Direct Marketing Associates. There are various options for reduced mailing schedules and we welcome your call to discuss these options with us.
How long will it take before I stop receiving mail from “The Senior’s Table Program?”
It takes approximately four to six weeks to fully remove a donor from our mailing list.
Will my donation be used wisely?
Yes! “The Senior’s Table Program” is proud to use your donation to help defeat hunger around the world.
If I donate to my local food bank, am I also donating to “The Senior’s Table Program?”
All food banks and food rescue organizations are independent from our program. Each is a separate non-profit organization. Only donations directly given to the “Senior’s Table Programs” national office will go to supporting its special programs.
Who supports “The Senior’s Table Program?”
The “The Senior’s Table Program” network relies on Individuals, Partners, Sponsors, Advertisers, Corporate and Foundational support to fund its hunger-relief efforts locally and internationally.
How do I change my monthly giving method of payment, monthly amount, or stop payment?
If you are an online monthly donor, you may visit the gift service center to make any changes to your account. Otherwise, to make any changes to your account, please contact our Donor Services Representative at 416-500-8207. For security reasons, we do not recommend you send changes or updates to your credit card by postal mail.
When will my monthly giving donation by credit card or bank transfer be processed?
If you signed up for monthly giving by mail or over the phone, your deduction will either be on the fourth of every month or the nineteenth of every month. If you registered to be a monthly donor online, your automatic payment will occur one month from the day you sign up.
Is my online donation secure?
SOSOPWORLD.COM uses third-party services to make sure that your donation and information is kept secure. You can read more in our Privacy Policy and Donor Privacy Policy about the information received from you.
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