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“A place where no Senior will ever walk alone”


Program 2  

Never “Hesitate” to get “Professional Help”  

Professionals do have the answers you need to help your loved one live out their lives with dignity. Over the past couple of decades, many life-enhancing and lifesaving medical devices have become far more portable and adaptable for home use. Everything from X-ray equipment and respirators to walkers and wheelchairs, catheters and wound care supplies, can now be delivered to your parents’ home. Moreover, professional medical care agencies can provide teams of nurses, therapists, and other medical aides (and even physicians) to make house calls, set up and operate all machinery, and supervise patients’ recoveries.       

1) Understanding your Loved Ones Needs 

Can your Mom or Dad do these things?  

  • Get to regular physical and dental appointments? 
  • Take their medications properly? 
  • Buy and prepare nourishing food and follow a diet? 
  • Get up and down safely from a chair, bed or toilet? 
  • Bathe themselves? 
  • Dress appropriately for all activities? 
  • Shop by themselves? 
  • Do housework? 
  • Drive safely? 
  • Attend community activities? 
  • Cope with everyday stress, fears and worries?  

If your loved one has trouble with one or more of these activities, it may be time to call a professional. 

“Click here for Professional Help and support” 


2) Your Seniors Professional Teams 

  1. A) Eleven Health Care Professionals

   “Just do the best you can, with what you have”                

  • Family Physician –  
  • Case (Care) Manager 
  • Nurse (Registered) Practitioner 
  • RN or Social Worker 
  • PSW 
  • Physiotherapist/Occupational Therapist  
  • Pharmacist 
  • Dietitian 
  • Dentist  
  • Eye Doctor/Vision Care 
  • Ear Doctor 


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Here are some “Home Health Care” titles that cover a host of social services delivered to the home. 


  • Homemakers – Tidy up, shop, do laundry, and prepare meals 
  • Chore workers – minor household repairs, yard work, snow removal 
  • Companions – provide company and supervision 
  • Home-health attendants – assist with bathing, feeding, walking, toileting 
  • Physical Therapists – give massages to improve strength and flexibility 
  • Occupational Therapists – help people cope with their limitations 
  • Speech Therapists – Help individuals with communication disorders 
  • Nutritionists – Provide dietary guidance 
  • Nurses – Perform duties that are “medically necessary” 
  • Care Managers – sometimes called “case managers” make a thorough assessment of your Mom’s needs 
  • Social Workers – are professionals with master’s degrees in counseling and management and a connection to all community services. 


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Personal Care Team 


“Get all the help you can” 

  • Family members – Love and support 
  • Family Caregiver – Personal and Legal support 
  • Friends – Old and new 
  • Neighbors – Old and new 
  • Organizations 
  • Clubs 
  • Church/Temple/Synagogue/Mosque  


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Community “Services for Seniors” 

  • Senior Centers 
  • Adult Daycare 
  • Meal Programs 
  • Transportation Services 


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Legal Team 


  • Lawyer – wills, etc. 
  • Executor – Executes the will 
  • Caregiver’s  
  • Funeral Home 

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Accessing Government Programs and Services for Seniors  


Public Legal Advice 

Public Health Advice 

Public Financial Advice 


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3) Issues with Bodily Functions 

Attention: Your elder’s wetting and soiling is not part of getting old. A lot of elders and their caregivers assume that loss of bodily function control is normal, it is not! A lot of seniors do live a normal life by understanding their incontinence. They stay in control. 

There are five (5) different types of incontinence. 

  1. Temporary incontinence – When the bladder or bowel control is suddenly lost. 
  1. Stress incontinence – Urine leaks out when a person laughs, sneezes, coughs or lifts a heavy object. 
  1. Urge incontinence – Better known as an overactive bladder. 
  1. Overflow incontinence – Usually found in men with enlarged prostates.  
  1. Functional incontinence – A physical disability or a mental impairment prevents your elder from getting to the bathroom or communicating with you that they need to go. 

“If you’re concerned it may be time to call in a professional” 

 “Click here for Professional Help and support” 


4) Managing Anxiety  

As a caregiver you should know the five (5) anxiety disorders. By working with a professional you can save your loved one from living with anxiety and live out their years in peace. 

  1. Generalized anxiety disorder – It is characterized by at least six months of constant worrisome thoughts and thinking.   
  1. Phobia – This disorder is marked by intense irrational fear of something that poses little or no real danger. 
  1. Panic disorder – A person experiences repeated episodes of intense fear that strikes suddenly.  
  1. Obsessive-compulsive disorder – You’ll know this disorder by observing repeated, unwanted thoughts or repetitive behaviors.   
  1. Post-traumatic stress disorder – The symptoms are persistent nightmares, flashbacks, numbing of emotions, depression, and irritability.  

Be aware that anxiety disorders can co-exist with or be induced by other illnesses.  

  “Click here for Professional Help and support” 


5) Maintaining Dignity 

Most elders feel at times that they are worthless or have low-esteem. This is called “Lost Dignity”. Here are some suggestions that will help you, help the ones you love. 

  • Always communicate at eye level. Squat or sit in a chair if your elder is sitting in a wheelchair or lying in bed.  
  • Keep your distance! Not too far and not too close. 
  • Try to involve your elder in everyday activities (for example, watering plants, folding laundry, bringing in the mail. 
  • Show her that her opinions, preferences and her possessions matter and are important to you. 
  • Make sure they have input when it comes to their care routine.  
  • Always offer your help, never insist on your way or else. 
  • Your Mom or Dad need to have money in their wallet or purse. Ten one-dollar bills will look like a lot to a senior. 

“Never threaten, beg, plead, or force your elder to do anything” 

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With Respect 




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